Travelling with baby


Lets face it, you need to take a lot when travelling with a baby! It can be quite a daunting experience. To make the packing process easier, I decided to write a list and break it down into sections such as feeding, sleeping, clothing etc. Writing a list this way, made the packing process much easier and we didn’t forget anything!

I you would like to find out what we took with us and why, keep on reading. You can also see a copy of my list at the end of the blog.


Travelling with baby


As someone who has only ever been able to travel during the school holidays, we decided to make the most of my maternity leave and book a reasonably priced holiday!

Once Thomas was born and the holiday was getting closer, I started to panic… we were going to have to pack a lot! I have never been one to pack light, so I knew I needed to find some ways to make packing, and travelling with a 5 month old, easier.

These are some of the packing hacks I found and used for little mans first holiday.